Commercial Litigation
The commercial litigation practice group is comprised of seasoned trial lawyers who, on a yearly basis, litigate and arbitrate a variety of commercial, contractual and transactional disputes involving commercial entities relative to contracts, and their interpretation and enforcement including matters such as indemnification, anti-subrogation clauses, procurement of insurance, interpretation of buy/sell obligations of product manufacturers, vendors’ endorsements, insured contract endorsements, assignment of rights, the delegation of duties, Moorman doctrine Economic damages, and corporate successor liability. Our reputation for successful motion practice encourages early file closures with substantial savings on litigation expenses. We are committed to aggressive file handling initiated with meticulous pleading practice from the first response pleading through the last post-trial motion.
Our commercial litigation practise complements our coverage practice and allows us to pursue and litigate such issues as indemnification, anti-subrogation, Kotecki waivers and contractual duties to procure insurance or bonds.